
Our main goal is to Educate, Empower and enhance Employability of the underprivileged, enabling them to be productive citizens and live with dignity.

To realize this goal we have chosen a broad set of objectives to ensure that we are able to reach a large number of beneficiaries with a wide range of needs.

We sincerely believe that given the right opportunity the underprivileged will become financially independent and contributing members of the society, living with pride and dignity.

We also plan to create a corpus fund alongside our annual donations so that the trust becomes sustainable in the long run.

Our Objectives:

  1. To help educate poor and needy children.
  2. Provide medical care to the poor.
  3. Help poor women with their marriage.
  4. To help the physically handicapped regain their dignity.
  5. To provide legal help to the poor.
  6. Help the unemployed with employment opportunities.
  7. To help orphaned children, unsupported widows and elder citizens.
  8. To provide humanitarian assistance during natural and man-made calamities such as floods, fire, drought, earthquakes etc.
  9. Publish material for helping the poor and the uneducated on various topics of relevance.
  10. Help poor bereaved families with emergency economic assistance.

“Charity sees the need not the cause !”